Snthetic Lawns Canberra

Synthetic Lawns Canberra - About us
Synthetic Lawns Canberra

About Us

Synthetic lawns canberra are suppliers of products proudly Made in Australia.

Synthetic lawns canberra premium artificial grass range includes landscaping, basic sport, pet and hybrid surfaces

Our suppliers are the only synthetic turf manufacturer to make our yarns in Australia. Yarns have inbuilt proprietary features not found in other yarns and include up to 24 unique components to produce a stable and long-lasting formulation.
Made for Australian conditions
Yarns used in our grass are heat stabilised by exclusive proprietary methods. At the Allunga Exposure Laboratory in Townsville, where the tropical heat is high and the UV content of natural light is extreme, yarns and products used in our grass undergo extensive testing for fading and tensile strength loss.
Yarns used in our grass undergo simultaneous accelerated testing. This is done to ensure that our grasses and turfs survive many hot Australian summers with no visible change or mechanical breakdown.
Synthetic Lawns Canberra

ISO Certified

Our suppliers are the only synthetic turf manufacturer in Australia with quality certified by the International Standards Organisation (AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015), so you can be assured that you are getting the very best product on the market. Whilst it is tempting to gravitate towards the cheapest product on the market, please keep in mind that yarns that imitate ours do not behave in the same way, nor do they offer the same quality or durability.

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